College degrees these days are pretty much what a high school degree used to be, I believe individuals should be responsible for their actions but I can also understand young people thinking college student loans are a big ripoff and if the government can give billions and trillions all over the globe, Why don’t they just cancel all that debt? The Bible had debt cancellation in it all over the place. I think it’s a great idea but would have to be offset by some budget off sets and the people that provided the capital would have to be paid back in full
Tangential influencing variables no one talks about include:
the cancer of wokeism i.e., promoting people for everything but education, skills, experience and ability. That’s probably contributed way more significantly to diluting the value of a good education than any other single thing. if you give jobs to people that are not qualified it’s not gonna function well and why would anybody need an education if that was the case? we should revert to a most qualified system, and incorporate the following
Revisit the whole concept of primary and tertiary education and intertwine this with formulations for a student youth core.
For instance, for a medical doctor, you get your schooling done and then you serve a minimum of four years providing medical support to impoverished persons. That pays off your debt. in the meantime, you’re getting a minimal but suitable compensation.
We need to elevate the status of trade careers and emphasize that with hands on apprenticeship starting in the mid high school periods
Everybody comes out of school and goes into this civilian youth core for two or four years where are you do the work that your education started you out for. nobody escapes it, not rich people not poor people only the mental and incapable
Think of all the problems that could solve. Use it in the national parks and the countryside clean up. it would drastically reduce the overall cost of medical treatments to the whole country. You could clean up the ghettos. you name it. It would make people happy because they would be secure and proud of themselves
One response to “Student Debt”
The government paying off student debt would not be fair to those that paid their way or didn’t go for fear of debt and lack of financial resources. Some or most may agree that the horse is out of the barn given the size of debt accumulated and constructive solutions would be welcome. But first, stop the easy money and put the onus on colleges to require students to perform.