Category: Uncategorized

  • Do It For the Children

    In January, 2022 congressperson Nancy Pelosi announced she was running for another term in Congress. There were reports circulating through the media that she was “running for the children.”   Matthew 19 verse 14 of the King James version of the Bible quotes Jesus as saying:  “…Suffer little children, and forbid them not to come unto me.”  A…

  • In God We Trust

    Mass graves uncovered in Syria in the days since President Bashar al–Assad was overthrown. Dear Reader: Do you believe this to be true? Not asking if we should be involved I’m just asking if you think that really happened at that level? Any Response would be revealing. Personally, I just can’t believe humans do this to each other. They always…

  • Student Debt

    College degrees these days are pretty much what a high school degree used to be, I believe individuals should be responsible for their actions but I can also understand young people thinking college student loans are a big ripoff and if the government can give billions and trillions all over the globe, Why don’t they…

  • It’s the Economy, Stupid

    Kamala Harris says the Biden Administration rescued the U.S. economy. The truth is that the Biden inflation has left most Americans worse off than they were before the pandemic. The latest evidence comes from Tuesday’s Census Bureau report on household income, poverty and health coverage in 2023. The good, and maybe the only good, news is…

  • What law?

    So the Democratic majority in the Senate has stated they are above the law, political tradition, political manner, and fairness by the “up or down vote” on obvious and proven dereliction of duty by the president, vice president, the cabinet, the speaker of the Senate and the democratic majority. assuming this is in response to…

  • 4:00 am Pearls

    Oligarchs these days are run of the mill morons. An emerging trend will soon be realized that nations and cultures aren’t just made up of individuals to succeed. They are made up of individuals with commonality. This includes respect of boundaries, rights, and dignities. This does not come about by mere , accumulation of populations.…

  • How Many Peas Can That Jar Hold?

    Consider, controlling inflation against the backdrop of immigration and upwards wage pressures. Those would seem to be alleviated by competition for low end jobs by mass importation of unskilled workforce participants. Well, the progressive left welcomes the immigrant for specific reasons. Those aren’t the same goals as the CEOs and fed dudes possess. This coalition…